EtherPOS 1 year ago
etherpos #promotion

Fully functioning Web3 browser

Fully functioning Web3 browser that can be used to interact with any decentralized application (DApp). #Web3ForAll #BNBChain #Ethereum

ETHERPOS is a crypto token that runs entirely on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), then ETHERPOS conforms to the most advanced smart contract protocol standards.

ETHERPOS is inspired by using a technical protocol similar to Ethereum. Proof-of-stake protocols are a class of consensus mechanisms for blockchains that work by selecting validators in proportion to the number of their holdings in the associated cryptocurrency. This is done to avoid the computational costs of the proof-of-work scheme.

Any Ether user can become a validator by staking ownership of ether to be locked in no time.

It takes at least 0.8 ETPOS and 1 NFTCard (90 days of contract) you can already stake and get 15% of the etpos tokens that you plug in every month for 3 months or 90 days and automatically the stake prize will go straight into your wallet.

At the end of the Staking contract, the ether token will go straight to the wallet and you can extend the contract by buying an NFT card again according to the previous staking package.

Information of Token EtherPOS 

Token Name : EtherPOS 

Symbol : ETPOS 

Decimals : 6 

Premine : 100.000 

Max. Supply : 100.000.000 

Mintable/Cycle : 192 H 

Blockchain : Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Smart Contract : 0x9754c3D3872AaFd4848C68a80dEe3B807E63b348

#Web3ForAll #BNBChain #Ethereum

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